"Torn Apart" is a true story based on Hal Friedman's son (Cory Friedman), who suffers from a rare and extreme combination of Tourett's syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD) and anxiety. This story is brilliantly written by James Patterson with the help of Hal Friendman to illustrate how Cory battles his medical conditions to lead a normal life.
Cory Friedman was like any average child who was actively involved in outdoor activities, until he was five years old where he could no longer experience company of his friends playing games with him. Rather he was accompanied by loads of pills to treat his medical conditions. It all started with an irresistable head turning tic to one side of his shoulder, followed by an upward thrust of his body which caused him to land heavily on the floor and an involuntary face twitching. Cory Friedman was then diagnosed with Tourett's syndrome. A medical condition which he had no control over his own body's movements. Doctors had prescribed him different pills to treat his medical condition, however, none of them worked.
Despite swallowing different pills a day which had different side effects, Cory was very determined to go to school. However, he was teased and misunderstood by teachers who thought he was making a fool of himself to disrupt the class. Cory's desire to please the teachers was so strong that he soon developed OCD. He was unable to complete his works as he was constantly disturbed by his thoughts of imperfections in all of his assignments. Nobody understood him and nobody wants to be with him except for his wonderful, patient parents.
Cory Friedman was unable to complete high school, and he dropped out of school before the final exams. He became an alcoholic, because it was only alcohol which managed to numb his feelings and bizzare behaviors. When all medicines failed to work on his medical conditions, he gradually picks himself up to attended a "self-help" camp. After the taining, he came out strong after the training and determined to continue his studies. His hard work paid off after re-attending junior high and high school. Not only did his ace all his subjects, he balso ecame one of the top-students in his school.
Cory Friedman's book was truly a miracle. His determination and will power serve as an encouragement and motivation to many out there who have lost hope in life.His victorious battles with his medical conditions light up many heart-broken souls who encounter numerous failures in life and instills optimistic thoughts in them. As he said:"Life is not a failure, unless you give it up yourself". His brave encounters with life will always serve as my pushing force to live life to the fullest with no regrets.
Friday, February 19, 2010
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